Thursday, August 16, 2012

happy birthday, julia!

In honor of the 100th anniversary of Julia Child's birth, I made her Reine de Saba (chocolate and almond cake) or as it's known at our house, the-best-cake-I-ever-had.

It's been so hot here that the mood for baking didn't strike until 9:00 pm--the earliest you could even consider turning on the oven. I frosted it with her Glacage au Chocolat, but because we were far too impatient to wait for the cake to cool (and it was already after 10:00 by that time) I over-cooled the icing and spread it on the hot cake. You can see it melted and ran down the sides and created a pretty cool ganache kind of vibe.

Making french cake at 9:30 at night seemed like a very New York/Julie and Julia thing to do!

(Thanks to Frances for the great photo.)

dress to tunic

I think the look on Frances's face pretty much says it all. This is a failed dress attempt from a year or so ago. The fabric was some I bought without a project in mind several years back (back when that was unusual for me!) but then I found a sundress pattern I thought was so-o-o cute. Beware the cute pattern with only a drawing, not a photo, on the envelope. Maybe it would have been cute if I had drawn the dress instead of sewing it.

But what to do with the two-thirds-finished dress. Clearly NO ONE was ever going to want this, so it didn't make sense to finish it, but there was so much fabric there, it seemed a waste to just throw it away. So how about a fresh, fun tunic for yoga class?

Given the overwhelming largeness of the dress, it was surprising that it took quite a bit of creative cutting and pasting to get the pieces for the tunic out of it.

Now all I need is a quick trip to Forever 21 (I never thought I'd say that) for a pair of coordinating leggings and I'm ready for yoga class!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Fabric, fabric everywhere...

Sometimes you go shopping for fabric and sometimes it just lies down in front of you. I took Frances to Forever 21 to look for some shorts and found this skirt in the buy-1-get-1-free section. The skirt isn't a good shape for me, but 2 of them (for $12) will give me about 3 yards of really cool cotton broadcloth to make something else with. Maybe a nice simple A-line skirt...

Not the new outdoor fabric

This is not the laminated Anna Maria Horton I ordered for the back porch. It is what was in the package from when I opened it up. The nice folks at Fabric sent the right stuff and told me to keep this 1.5 yard length of really nice slub cotton. Yum! I wonder what I'll make with it?
Hey, how about this? I thought this fabric
looked awfully familiar!


I made the first of several aloha shirts for Bill from my new Hawaiian stash. Looks like with a big pattern and such an obvious repeat I should have matched the fronts. Matched the pocket, though--you probably couldn't even tell there was a pocket!

Bill tried it on and declared it a perfect fit. That's good since I needed a spread-collar pattern for him. This one will make more aloha shirts and I can adapt it for the bowling-shirt style with a contrast panel in the front. Maybe the boys' XL in the same envelope will fit me!