Thursday, August 16, 2012

dress to tunic

I think the look on Frances's face pretty much says it all. This is a failed dress attempt from a year or so ago. The fabric was some I bought without a project in mind several years back (back when that was unusual for me!) but then I found a sundress pattern I thought was so-o-o cute. Beware the cute pattern with only a drawing, not a photo, on the envelope. Maybe it would have been cute if I had drawn the dress instead of sewing it.

But what to do with the two-thirds-finished dress. Clearly NO ONE was ever going to want this, so it didn't make sense to finish it, but there was so much fabric there, it seemed a waste to just throw it away. So how about a fresh, fun tunic for yoga class?

Given the overwhelming largeness of the dress, it was surprising that it took quite a bit of creative cutting and pasting to get the pieces for the tunic out of it.

Now all I need is a quick trip to Forever 21 (I never thought I'd say that) for a pair of coordinating leggings and I'm ready for yoga class!

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