Monday, August 12, 2013

project 52: week 4: groceries in paradise

Week 4 fell in July so it was still my turn to be in charge of date night. Problem was that Bill was in Hawaii for his conference in Honolulu for most of the week. Frances and I and Frances's friend Allison met him on Kauai on Saturday night to begin our 12-day vacation. We only had Sunday night left but it would have been awkward to ditch the teens on our first full night there, so we had to make do with a morning grocery store run while the girls played at the pool. (One good thing about older children -- you can send them to the pool by themselves with simple instructions. Wear sunscreen. Don't drown.)

It may not have been the most exciting date, but it did give us a chance to catch up after Bill had been gone all the previous week. We were also able to appreciate our relatively inexpensive grocery prices at home and scout the fabric section in the Lihue Walmart. While contemplating the snorkeling gear we got acquainted with a nice couple from Chicago who appeared to be living the dream of vacationing without their children. We bumped into them twice more during our trip!

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