Thursday, December 5, 2013

fabric splurge

After quite a long time of reading a much-too-long list of sewing blogs, I have succumbed to the temptations of the release of a line of designer fabric. But not just any designer -- this collection features the art of Charley Harper! After first seeing some of his prints at some friends' house in Washington, D.C., we have been looking at different Harper prints, books, puzzles, etc. and looking for just the right one. I think our inability to choose just one design has been the main thing paralyzing us. Enter the Charley Harper collection from Birch Fabrics. (No, they didn't give me anything for this shout out -- they are quite unaware that I'm alive.)

Aren't these fabulous?! Wrens and nuthatches and squirrels along with those pretty leaf and flower prints!

And the cardinals! My favorite birds! I splurged on a set of fat quarters of every print in the collection. Now the pressure's on for a design good enough to show them off. I imagine I'll do something really simple just to feature the art. It's going to be hard to start cutting!

It's busy around here -- lots of Christmas presents and another quilt commission -- nothing I can show until the gifts are given. Come back for a busy January!

In the meantime, I leave you with life in a nutshell around here. The dog (ridiculous in her life preserver replacing the cone of shame), overexposed in a patch of sunshine, sound asleep, being overseen by the cat, in complete control of the situation. That's pretty much how things work around here.

See you again soon!

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