Wednesday, August 27, 2014

infinity scarves

I found a couple of new things on the internet and out in the actual world. First, infinity scarves! I love to wear scarves, and somehow I hadn't quite realized that it would be awesome not to have to manage those dangly ends all the time. I also got some style inspiration from Stitch Fix. (Ok, so I'm sitting here writing this post, listening to Marketplace and a story about Stitch Fix just came up! I'm stealing from the very trendiest here, people.) I know they love it when people steal their ideas without buying clothes from them. But hello -- internet. 

My next discovery was the little section at M & L Fabrics with the printed rayon! Gorgeous and only $3.99 per yard. Yes, please.

I whipped up this bunch of scarves -- if you see me without a scarf on this fall and winter, you can demand to know why. And I want you to know that each scarf takes just 1/2 yard of fabric -- all this fabulousness for two bucks each! That creamy floral started life as a 100% silk skirt and ended up in my latest Goodwill haul.

It's a little sweaty around here for scarves just now, so I'll just have to wait a little while to show them off. Or just wear them all to Starbucks -- am I right?! Brrrr.

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