Monday, July 1, 2013

vintage slip dress

This vintage pattern hangs in my dining area. I bought it in a very hot jumbly antique store in Richmond when visiting my friend Gregg one summer. I have always wanted to try making the little slip as a dress or nightie. I decided to whip one up between other projects this weekend so I started looking for the pattern itself since I knew I had only framed the empty envelope. I went through all of my patterns, thinking I must have slipped the pattern guts into another envelope. No dice. Thinking all the while, "I really have to reorganize these patterns." (Post coming soon!) Then I remembered a bag of children's patterns I had stored in the office -- still no dice. But I remembered saving that pattern! 

Wait a second -- I opened up the frame and found that I had stored the pattern in the back! That's what I call too clever by half.

The fabric and trim started life as a cute little Eileen West cotton lawn nightie that was relegated to the scrap bin when I developed an inability to sleep in anything that wasn't stretchy. It would be great if I had taken a picture of it before I started, wouldn't it? Oh, well. 

It's a little short in relation to its width -- if I make it again I might make it a little longer. I need a little girl to try it on!

I think I'm almost more pleased with the way the inside looks! Loving my new birthday serger!

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