Wednesday, September 26, 2012

goat girl skirt

Today I made a skirt. But wait, I've made lots of skirts. Today I made a skirt from scratch. Like I started with measurements, made a pattern and then made a skirt.

I started with a post on Crafterhours--one of my favorite sewing blogs. I loved their picture of the Milkmaid Skirt, but their pattern just didn't work out for me. So I ripped apart my first attempt and remade it from their picture. (And totally copying their pocket directions--thanks!)

That Frankenstein creation became the pattern for this cute green plaid number. In honor of the Milkmaid, Frances thought I should call it the Goat Girl Skirt.

Here's a detail. Check out the little ktw embroidered tag! Still working on some professional woven tags. Coming soon!

Won't it be cute with a pale pink cardy? I thrifted this gem (Ann Taylor) last summer--now I'm just waiting for a day under 90 to wear it.

While I was working, Chloe was enjoying a new fire hose toy. She enjoyed it very efficiently, because it only took her about 20 minutes to remove the stretchy handle and elastic. We'll see how long the rest of it lasts. Chloe the Destroyer.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

good day at the Goodwill

I ran by the Goodwill while I was out today and got some great deals. In addition to all this, I also got a pillow (too absolutely ugly to photograph) to use the form inside for a pillow cover we brought back from Hawaii.

Sarah Vowell and Geraldine Brooks hardcovers: not dirt cheap but worth it! Rubbermaid 1 quart bottle for .99--score!

Now for the real treasures:

How about this beautiful Indian skirt--that's gold embroidery and sequins on there. The Indian lady I met there was curious about what I was going to do with it. I don't know ... pillow covers? $5.49

Black velvet polka dot tablecloth. This will be a great addition to the Halloween Party kit. $2.99

Cole Porter on vinyl with this great cover! That's going in a frame for sure. Now I have to YouTube "A Little Rumba Numba!" $1.99

And to top it all off, how awesome is this cotton canvas from Ikea?! Two giant curtain panels--5.5 yards of 100% cotton! What will I use it for? Who can tell? Something very cool indeed. $9.99

I got the entire haul for $34.42. Not bad! I promised myself I would stay out of the clothing and just look at the housewares. Next time clothes!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

more julia

Here's the latest in my own personal Julia Project--the one where I only cook the things that look good and easy. No aspics or duck boning here. Mastering the Art of Easy French Cooking.

Vichyssouise (cold potato leek soup). Heavy cream, fresh chives, baguette on the side. Good when it's going to be 92 degrees today.

I really need to learn more about photographing my stuff. I swear it looked better in person.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

... and some little things, too

While helping out with some Big Things at the campaign office, I thought it would be fun to have some appropriate team apparel.

In 2008 I made this appliqué t-shirt and it's getting some more use this election season.

Last year I got this shirt but it never fit. (Why if you can wear a Youth XL is a Men's S too small? I have since learned to only buy Ladies' cut t's.) So I decided to try one of the t-shirt refashions I have seen on my favorite blogs. I cut up the middle of the sides and up the sleeve seams and inserted this print panel.

I also cut off the neckband and attempted this hemmed-and-raw edge -- hopefully you can see it in this photo. I'll give it a spin at the office on Tuesday!

P.S.  I also thought it would be fun to have some high school spirit wear to wear to watch Frances cheer at the high school football games (and no way was I going for the rhinestone "Cheer Mom"). So I whipped up this appliqué number. I've worn it a couple of times, but no one seems to have noticed  -- hopefully that's because it's so professional looking (and not because they're afraid to mention it).