Tuesday, September 17, 2013

kauai fabric shopping

After last year's fabric haul in Hawaii, I started looking forward to shopping as soon as we planned our repeat trip for last summer. This is what I picked up this year -- a few more of the tiny Japanese-Hawaiian prints, some one-color botanicals, another multi-color postcard style, some silky blue and green rayon and some prints the girls picked out for hobo bags. Oh, and half a yard of the ubiquitous Hula Girl.

This was my first stop, Kapaia Stitchery. I found this place last year and couldn't wait to get back! This year I found that gorgeous rayon and some other quilting prints. This is the store where I saw the original of my Postcards from Hawaii quilt. This year they had a pattern for sale. Mine is all finished and hanging in the living room.

I had seen this store last year but didn't have time to stop. It had plenty to look at but only ok prices -- I had actually already gotten some of the fabrics for half-price at a certain big-box retailer that shall remain nameless. I did pick up a pretty pink floral that will make a great shirt.

This store was up the road in Kapaa. It was a treat to shop there -- their regular prices were pretty much the same as a quilting store at home but I did pick up some good deals on sale.

And check this out! I thought it was just me! I told my family when we were leaving -- 12 days with no sewing? And this is supposed to be fun?!

This was the first of the Hawaii 2013 projects. Frances picked out these fabrics for some new bags for school. More projects to come!

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