Friday, January 10, 2014

red and yellow geese for christmas

Another Christmas present here. This one I made for my dear friend Gregg. I got to go visit her and her family in Richmond this fall (she treated me to an evening with David Sedaris -- word to the wise: don't bother with the mascara -- you will laugh/cry it all off) and I had the chance to case her family room for color inspiration. I love flying geese patterns but didn't like the waste when you make them the usual way. So I found some instructions for no-waste geese and they were great! 

I pulled a mixture of red and yellow prints from my stash along with a red solid to pop and white for the background. As usual, in trying to randomize the prints while alternating the red and yellow, I now see that I ended up with some matchy rows -- oh well.

The double diagonal quilting worked really well and for binding I was able to use some of this red/yellow/black print I have for my kitchen. It washed up nice and crinkly.

For the back I found a couple more red and yellow prints (the yellow is a swiss dot -- just looks solid) and some leftover strips from the front. My crookedy stripes are the reason I don't quilt with pre-cut strips.

Miss Cincinnati got involved in the photo shoot -- but hey, I was using her bed for a studio (she lets us sleep there too). I missed the dining room light that afternoon and I needed to get the pictures so I could get this in the mail in time for Christmas.

Hope your holidays were great! More projects to come later.

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