Sunday, February 22, 2015

tumble baby quilt

I made this little cutie last spring and kept it under wraps until it went as a gift to some friends for their darling baby Abigail, born last month. 

The beautifully simple pattern is yet another from Allison Harris's Growing Up Modern. (I ran across a copy in a quilt shop with my quilt-group friends at our retreat and bored them to death by showing them I'd made that one and that one and ...)

I shamelessly copied Allison's color scheme also -- I loved her red/pink/blue combination. I used some of the reds and aquas that didn't make it into my lifesavers quilt and added some of the pinks I've collected in my treasure-hunting in the back of M & L. I thought the aqua gingham on the bias would be just perfect for the binding. I still have a ton of it. Love me some gingham.

For the back, some multi-color dot and a little of the leftover pink and red.

I free-motion quilted in rows of random loops -- one of my new favorite patterns. So fast and cute on a modern quilt. And now it's so much easier with my new sewing machine table. I'll talk about that more when I post my latest modern baby quilt ...

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