Tuesday, October 9, 2012

we interrupt this crafty blog...

This is not a cute craft or sewing project. This is my *very* ugly water heater. But trust me--it looks a lot better than it did yesterday when it was full of cold water.

But now it's sporting this pretty copper tubing, the new thermocouple that I installed my very own self yesterday. Many thanks to the lovely young woman from the gas company who diagnosed the problem (and complimented my cute house on her way through).

This is the old thermocouple, which, thanks to the internet, I figured out to yank firmly out of the burner assembly, even though the thought of messing with gas and fire gives me the willies. I am already thinking of how much fabric I can buy with the money I did not pay a plumber to fix the water heater.

On another random note:

This is the first cup of hot tea I've been able to enjoy since about June! It has finally cooled off here. Hooray!

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