Tuesday, December 18, 2012

9-patch mini-quilt

Last time I showed off my inheritance of blue boxes full of 2x2 inch squares. Here's the quick, cool project I made with some of them.

I chose my favorite blues to make something that could become a Hanukkah decoration and I used the quick piecing method of fusing the squares to interfacing...

and then stitching the long perpendicular seams. (Just Google it--somebody else has already explained it better than I could.) These 9-patch squares go together lickety-split. No kidding, I pieced all 23 of them for this quilt in just a couple of hours.

Details of the blocks and the binding--it looks black but it's really a very deep blue.

A pretty Kona gray on the back (Can I still be allowed to be a real quilter/blogger if I don't remember which one?) and one extra 9-patch. I quilted a simple straight-line pattern with my walking foot. Fun to make, and it was done before I grew to hate the sight of it! Maybe I will use more of those eensy-weensy little squares!

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