Thursday, December 13, 2012

zipper bag trio

Aren't these fabrics great? I had a great time planning this set of bags for Gregg's Christmas present. I went straight to M&L for this graphic leaf print I had seen when I bought the christmas pillowcase fabric. I couldn't remember exactly what it looked like but I remembered that I loved it and I remembered exactly where it was in the store. Well they rearranged that section! But after some searching, I found it (along with another collection to be made into more bags, but that's another project, another post).

I'm so pleased with the way they turned out. It's such a great pattern from Noodlehead and I love the way the fabrics came together.

I was determined to have that stripe on the lining fabric go up-and-down even though it was printed side-to-side. Yeah, that would have been fine if I had bought more than a plain-old-non-fat-quarter of it. As it turned out, you can hardly even see the 7-piece Franken-lining on the smallest bag. Though when I talk to Gregg on Christmas morning, I'll probably point it out to her. She will understand what I went through.

And I'm still so infatuated with the look of those labels! They spiff everything up!

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