Wednesday, December 19, 2012

vintage baby book quilt

Here's a blast from the past! This is the vintage baby book quilt I made for Frances before she was born. I don't know if I put much stock in that old story that you wait to go into labor until you finish the last thing for the baby, but Frances was born less than 24 hours after I finished binding this quilt!

The blocks are from a fabric baby book that my grandmother Granny Lou gave my mom when she was born. If you look closely you can see her name Rebecca Mary written above the title. She gave me the idea for the quilt for my baby Frances Rebecca.

I love the primary colors and old school illustrations. I don't think you can see in the pictures but I hand quilted around the animals and children.

The whole thing is hand quilted on the diagonal. It hung in Frances's room when she was little. I was thrilled when we repainted her room a few years ago and she asked to have it up again!

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