Tuesday, May 7, 2013

start with an ikea curtain...

I scored these Ikea curtains at the Goodwill last year. No idea what I was going to do with them. (Now, that sounds familiar.)

Well, we've been enjoying the view of this beautiful plastic dog crate for the past year since we adopted Chloe. Pretty, hmm?

Better? It's like a play tent for the plastic crate.

She looks pretty cute in there. As soon as I started working with her bed she jumped right in and went to sleep for 2 hours. It's a good-dog day.

Here it is closed up for bedtime. Definitely an improvement over the previous combination of gray plastic and old car towels.

But don't forget about the scraps! How about a cool Swedish canvas belt?!

Still another curtain left -- what else should I make?

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