Saturday, June 29, 2013

pink and brown quilt

No name on this one -- just a pink and brown half-square-triangle quilt. I bought a few matching fabrics that I found in the sale section in the back of M & L (buying quarter yards of all the high-end quilting cottons in the back of M & L is my new hobby -- about 70 cents per cut, baby!) I added some other patterns from previous shopping expeditions and some solids left over from the graduation quilts seen here and here. The size is kind of a small lap or large baby -- 40 X 46.

I mixed the lighter background patterns with the solids and put the white with the darker  patterns. One happy accident is the way the diagonals of prints and solids lined up.

I quilted on either side of the seams around the squares and down the diagonals of each square. You can see that my ditch-stitching could use a little work! Actually all the quilting on this one gave me a pile of trouble. I finally figured out a way to adjust the needle position so that I could chart an easier path with the presser foot, and then the diagonals went a little easier. I bound with this hot pink dot seen previously in the rainbow sherbet quilt, though I did have to go buy some more -- not enough left over. 

I'm really happy with the back of this one. Almost got those horizontals straight! These were all the coordinating prints, so it's nice to see them together.

This quilt has no planned home, so maybe someday I'll sell it. Where? Who knows?

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