Friday, January 24, 2014

put a bird on it

This is the first of my Hipster Doofus series. Browsing the fabric stores over time, I noticed how many new fabrics featured birds in the design, some in fairly odd designs (herons perched on the back of a sofa?). And after watching one of my all time fave Portlandia sketches, I started noticing birds all over EVERYTHING. There was this cafe in St. George, Utah we referred to all weekend as Put A Bird On It -- I don't actually remember what the actual name was. That should make it interesting to Google it next time we're there. St. George is not that big though -- I think we'll be able to find it. But I digress.

You've seen this design before -- it's the same as the Colts quilt I made for Christmas. The center of each block in this one features a different bird.

I chose a palate of solids that seemed kind of modern and, I don't know, Portlandia-ish. I had seen a similar quilt on Craftyblossom so that was in my head. I quilted in gray with double diagonals and double lines around each block. That worked pretty well, but there was still a little puckering at the intersections of the perpendicular lines. Thank goodness for washing and drying.

For the back I chose a hunk of one of the bird prints and one of the colors, along with more of that black and white bolt. (I think it's almost gone now.) I like the way the quilting looks on the back.

With all the solids on the front, I wanted to bind it with a print, but I couldn't decide on just one. Also, since I was mostly working with quarter yards, I didn't have enough of any one fabric. So I decided I liked a scrappy binding better anyway. I chose the lowest volume patterns for maximum contrast with the solids.

This was one I thought about for a long time before I actually made it and I'm really happy with the way it turned out. It's taken up residence on the back of the couch and will hopefully be used well for a long time.

Friday, January 10, 2014

red and yellow geese for christmas

Another Christmas present here. This one I made for my dear friend Gregg. I got to go visit her and her family in Richmond this fall (she treated me to an evening with David Sedaris -- word to the wise: don't bother with the mascara -- you will laugh/cry it all off) and I had the chance to case her family room for color inspiration. I love flying geese patterns but didn't like the waste when you make them the usual way. So I found some instructions for no-waste geese and they were great! 

I pulled a mixture of red and yellow prints from my stash along with a red solid to pop and white for the background. As usual, in trying to randomize the prints while alternating the red and yellow, I now see that I ended up with some matchy rows -- oh well.

The double diagonal quilting worked really well and for binding I was able to use some of this red/yellow/black print I have for my kitchen. It washed up nice and crinkly.

For the back I found a couple more red and yellow prints (the yellow is a swiss dot -- just looks solid) and some leftover strips from the front. My crookedy stripes are the reason I don't quilt with pre-cut strips.

Miss Cincinnati got involved in the photo shoot -- but hey, I was using her bed for a studio (she lets us sleep there too). I missed the dining room light that afternoon and I needed to get the pictures so I could get this in the mail in time for Christmas.

Hope your holidays were great! More projects to come later.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

merry christmas to a colts fan

As promised, here's one of the commissions I had for the holidays this year. My friend Monica ordered this quilt for her niece, who is a huge Indianapolis Colts fan. Monica chose the basic pattern for this lap-size quilt and let me run with the Colts fabric. I picked out 2 blues, 2 grays, and black and white to coordinate with the 2 Colts patterns. I was a little ticked at the Colts organization for not including a third color to go with the blue and white in the logo. It would have made for more variety in MY quilt. No one in the Colts' front office has responded to my complaint.

Monica mentioned that Peyton Manning is her niece's all-time favorite player and that if I could include something about Peyton, it would be great. Well, in case you've been hiding under a rock for the last couple years, news flash -- Peyton now plays for the Broncos. No more Colts #18 stuff. So I made this block by appliquéing numbers in the Colts' logo typeface. I quilted with these double diagonal lines all over, and bound the quilt with this perfect royal blue stripe. This same print in another color appeared in my red and aqua quilt last year. Love that stuff.

I got all excited about the back! I already HAD this black/white number print and the typeface is just the same as the Colts'! Clearly it was meant to be. But not without a little work -- I only had 2 yards of the number print. So I added some Colts fabric scraps and some black/white dot.

This was a fun project -- I hope Monica's niece liked it! More holiday gifts next time!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

books of 2013

It seems like 2013 was kind of a slow year for reading -- thank goodness for my two book clubs that kept me reading something. I will also have you know I also read several issues of the New Yorker, so I want credit for that too. But I don't deserve too much credit since I just read a couple of issues from last spring on our Winter Break trip. Better late than never, right?

Gold - Chris Cleve. Ok, I don't really remember this one. This is why I keep a book list, so I don't read this again.
The Wave. Confession - it was for my book club and I didn't finish it. But Bill did -- do I get half credit?

Bring Up the Bodies - Hilary Mantel. This is the sequel to Wolf Hall -- I loved them both. Intrigue in the court of Henry VIII. There's a third one coming - I can't wait.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime - Mark Haddon. This was a repeat for one of the book clubs. It was still good the second time. Interesting point of view.

The Truth About Style - Stacy London. Some parting advice from Stacy at the end of the run of What Not to Wear. What will I do now? When you see me in 5 years I will still be dressing like 2013 because that's when my fashion advice ran out. Who am I kidding -- maybe in 5 years I might be caught up to 2013.
The Book Thief - Markus Zuzak. Everyone else was reading it so I did too. It was interesting and good, but I hear they wrecked it in the movie.

The Power of One - Bryce Courtenay. This one was about an English boy growing up in South Africa during Apartheid. It started interesting enough but became pretty fantastical -- this boy was clearly on track to single-handedly cure cancer and bring about world peace, while winning 5 Olympic medals.
What? That was it for April?!

The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald. Another bandwagon read in anticipation of the movie. But still good. I read along with the Cliff Notes, which brought out some of the deeper themes.
Cesar's Rules - Cesar Millan. How in the hell do I handle this dog?!
A Walk in the Woods - Bill Bryson. One of my recommendations for the book club, I have read this one several times. It never fails to entertain.

The Orchardist - Amanda Coplin. Another book club selection, a quiet story about an old man and his family. Beautifully written. I think this was a first novel.
The Art of Racing in the Rain - Garth Stein. Sorry mom, but I really hated this one. I did skim it all the way through, though, hoping for some redemption. No dice.

Beautiful Ruins - Jess Walter. Good yarn taking place in Italy and Hollywood in the 60s and the present. I loved this writer from his earlier novel, The Financial Lives of the Poets. Ask me to read you the poem about moms' thong underwear sometime.
The Uninvited Guests - Sadie Jones. Very Downton Abbey, with a twist at the end. A fun read.
The Newlyweds - Nell Freudenberger. I really liked this novel about a Bangladeshi woman who comes to the US as an internet bride.

Elders - Ryan McElvain. I was really looking forward to this, having heard the author interviewed, and given my interest in Mormon subjects. Big disappointment. And I shlepped the library book all the way to Hawaii. And back.
The Marriage Plot - Jeffrey Eugenides. I remember liking this, but honestly I don't remember much else. Not the best review.

Wild - Cheryl Strayed. I spent several hours reading this book. I am never getting those hours back and I am bitter about that. This is one of those examples of Narcissistic Screw-Up memoirs that make me crazy. I found the author pretentious, whiny, and largely unbelievable. Bless her heart. Set fire to this book in the back yard and read A Walk in the Woods again instead.

The Round House - Louise Erdrich. Something else from the book club. Loved it. I haven't read any Louise Erdrich since The Beet Queen long, long ago. This concerns a brutal crime on an Indian reservation, which sounds like a deal-breaker for me, but it was actually compelling, moving, and even funny at times.

Did I really not read anything in November?

In the Garden of Beasts - Erik Larsen. Takes place in Berlin in 1936. Nonfiction about the experiences of the new US Ambassador to Germany and his family. Interesting, but not interesting enough for as long as the book was. This would have made an excellent New Yorker article. Why am I not everybody's editor?
The Source - James Michener. Oh, yeah, this is why there's nothing for November. We read this 900-pager over 3 months in one of the book clubs. It was great. It starts with an archaeological dig in Israel in the 1960s and goes back through time with a story about each level of the site. The stories are loosely connected. The story in the present is pretty darn sexist in its treatment of the female archaeologist, but it works if you just view it as another level in the dig. A fascinating look at the history of the region and the founding of the state of Israel.

Well, that looks a little better when you see the whole list. I hope to read more in 2014!