Friday, January 16, 2015

wedding quilt for a sweet couple

I made his quilt for my lovely friend Dolly's daughter and her husband, who got married last fall. We were very fortunate to have been invited to a fun reception Dolly and Rabin had for the happy couple at their house. The food was delicious -- I ate so many dosas I thought I would explode!

There was a henna artist who did the most beautiful designs for us. Wouldn't it be fun to have these done for Frances's graduation? But I digress. As usual. Back to the quilt.

I have done a couple of other "plus" quilts (see here and here), but this is my first in a symmetrical pattern with solid fabrics. I want to do more solids quilts -- they look so elegant and dramatic. I modeled my pattern after something I saw on Craftyblossom. That blog is such an inspiration to me.

I quilted in tan thread in my favorite overall diagonal pattern. I really like the way the solids crinkled up in the dryer.

For the back I used up a little more of my stash of Nummern from Ikea. It seemed like the perfect companion to the bold design on the front. I have checked the last couple of times I have been back to Ikea, but I haven't found any more of it.

I hope Hurshini and Justin get many years of happy use out of this lap quilt. They are such a sweet couple!

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