Saturday, July 20, 2013

project 52: week 3: british night

This week's date was a little hard to plan. I had a couple of ideas, but I was trying to work around my daughter's schedule, which kept changing. I suspected that eventually she would end up being gone Friday night but it wasn't until I dropped her and a friend off at Disneyland that I finally had a plan.

First we went to our local British pub, The Olde Ship. We always get the same thing there, Scottish Bridie, beef in sauce wrapped in pastry with vegetables and mashed potatoes and gravy over the whole thing. Divine. Bill gets a Twisted Thistle beer and I have a pot of the best tea in the world. Ok, in Fullerton.

Then we came home for the main event, a movie on Netflix. But wait, before you think that sounds too, too lame, we watched 56 Up, which we have literally been waiting to see for 7 years. It's the latest installment in a documentary series that started in the 1960s following a group of people in England. In the first film, 7 Up, the filmmakers profiled these 7-year-old kids and then they come back to the participants every 7 years. It's quite addicting and we have been eagerly anticipating this movie since 49 Up SEVEN years ago. We were not disappointed. It felt like catching up with old friends.

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