Sunday, July 14, 2013

scrappy patchwork quilt

Remember when I said I still had lots of 3-inch squares left after this quilt and this quilt? Well, here they are! This scraptastic baby quilt is made from the remaining 192 squares and the beginning of that monster bolt of quilt batting I just bought, now known as the starting capital for my quilt business. 

The quilt is 36 x 48, and I made it by first making 12 4 x 4 squares. It was harder than I thought to put everything together -- I wanted to make it look like a random arrangement  without getting any clumps of colors or patterns. I think it turned out fine, though if I stare too hard at it I can see where the shades grouped up, completely by accident. But I'm pretty sure I didn't get the same fabric two squares in a row though.

How much do I love this backing fabric?! $4.99 a yard from Ikea! The print is really obvious in this distance shot, but it's big enough that it's almost abstract up close. I bought 4 yards and went back for more yesterday, but I couldn't find any more. :(

The binding is a dark navy stripe I scored from the clearance section at M & L. The quilt is a nice light weight for summer -- or life in Southern California!

Another quilt for the stockroom of the future Kitchen Table Workshop Etsy store!

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